Mission Updates News

#DVMISSION21 registration opens for the next challenge!

For a 48 hour film challenge, It has been an odd sort of a year and we have been looking closely at options for running #DVMISSION21 and given the circumstances we have taken the bold decision to move the challenger completely online for 2021.

We will still be screening all of your entries, giving out our prestigious #pompeyoscars and there will be an immersive online experience for filmmakers and audience to navigate for the awards night.

The ever amazing James Waterfield has been briefed and has started thinking about how he is going to create all those unique handmade awards. While the team who brought you a 15ft robot at the 2020 awards night are back on board and working up ideas for the immersive experience side of things.

But of course, without the filmmakers, #DVMISSION21 will be an empty shell of an event, there is no secret there. So we ask that you help promote the call as widely as possible and lets put on a bigger and better event for the next edition of the DVMISSION 48 Hour Film Challenge.

Registration is already open, the challenge weekend will be Friday 26th -Sunday 28th February 2021. While the awards night will happen Saturday 6th March. So, get those dates in your diaries and start putting your teams together for #DVMISSION21.