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5 Top Tips for Surviving and Succeeding at a 48 Hour Film Challenge – Part 5: Have Fun!

After seeing DVMISSION regular Tippers Pritchard post a thread on Twitter offering advice on how to succeed at doing a 48 hour film challenge. We asked if he would turn it into a blog post for us and what follows is part 1 of 5 part series that we will be releasing over the coming weeks.

You can follow Tippers’ original Twitter thread HERE!

Don’t forget this year’s challenge is currently open to team registration and you can enter your team by following THIS link to Filmfreeway. Just submit to DVMISSION and name your project as your team name.

Read Part 1, read Part 2, read Part 3, read Part 4.

Part 5: Have Fun!

Now, this bit, I can’t stress enough. Despite the fact that I’m super, super driven to make something that stands out, there’s literally no point to any of it if you’re not having a good time.

Although I do videography work professionally, my creative writing and short filmmaking side is frustratingly underused (again – please reach out if you wanna make something!). DVMISSION provides me with the perfect excuse to book out a couple of weekends and to just let loose and have fun making films. It should be and always is, a right laugh.

What are the hours? – DVMISSION21 Blooper Reel…

If you’re entering a film, make sure you attend the awards. Winning aside, it’s one of my favourite evenings of the year. Where else do you get a chance to see 30-odd takes on a theme? I absolutely love seeing the different angles that people approach the topic from, and the creative uses of scenery, props and dialogue. It’s so inspiring, and so much fun.

Outside of the films themselves, the show that the DVMISSION team put on is always fantastic. Not to mention, it’s a great opportunity to mingle, make friends and join up for more non-DVMISSION filmmaking (do come to say hello this year!).

5 Top Tips for Surviving and Succeeding at a 48 Hour Film Challenge

So that’s it… a few tips to help with your 2-minute filmmaking. Again, I’m no pro – I’m self-taught, I just do this for fun, but if my little tips help you out then good times.

I can’t wait for this year’s instructions and to see how you all approach it. If anyone ever wants to talk about filmmaking, my inbox is open. Even on the weekend of the challenge, if you need any advice on where you might find a twist, how to approach a theme or anything else – I’m always up for helping out.

See you at the Wedgeroom Rooms!

By Tippers Pritchard

If anyone wants to collaborate outside of DVMISSION drop me a DM on Twitter @talktotippers.