Focal Press Sponsorship Top Tips

DVMISSION 48-Hour Film Challenge: 10 Top Tips – #10

You won’t want to miss our weekly 48-hour film challenge tips, leading up to the CHALLENGE WEEKEND.

Top Tip 10: “To make a great film you need three things – the script, the script and the script.” – Alfred Hitchcock

This CHALLENGE WEEKEND, you don’t need to know just how to write, but how to think and apply the main basics of screenwriting to multiple platforms and genres. If your idea is clear, it’ll be easier to put on a page. If you have to spend ages trying to convince someone it’s a good idea, then it probably needs refining. We know there’s a limited time frame, so don’t waste time preparing for a script that you haven’t had critiqued. Reading something you wrote might make sense to you, but might be confusing for everyone else as the first script is still a first draft – just like you wouldn’t submit a first draft of an essay to go toward your degree with no feedback.

The video below is a good way to explain the basics:

How to Write a Screenplay – scriptwriting for beginners

Below, we have linked a book for an introduction to writing scripts for film, television, the Internet, and interactive multimedia. It is also supported by a website with further case studies, assignments, video clips, and examples of films and programs discussed in the book. It is ideal for aspiring scriptwriters and anyone wanting to broaden their understanding of how successful scripts are created. It breaks down all you need to know (and more!) to be great this CHALLENGE WEEKEND.

scriptwriting for film television and new media

You can read even more great film-making tips in Scriptwriting for Film, Television and New Media 1st Edition By Alan C. Hueth

#DVMISSION20 is supported by Focal Press|Taylor & Francis, Portsmouth City Council, University of Portsmouth, Creative Network South and Portsmouth Film Society.